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Recruitment Checklist 


As you prepare to register for UCF Panhellenic Formal Recruitment, please make sure you have done the following:


1. You have your Student ID (PID) number. You will need this to register online.


2. Make sure you are a full time UCF student.


3. You have your UCF student email address. This is the email address that we will send all recruitment information to during the summer. Use your UCF email address when you register!!!


4. You have your campus address and/or your off-campus address available. 


5. You have reviewed the main Recruitment page. 


6. You are ready to pay with a credit card when you are ready to register online. 


7. If you have completed steps 1-6, you are ready to register for UCF Panhellenic Formal Recruitment by 


If you have any questions while registering or are having problems with the registration process, please don't hesitate to contact Fraternity and Sorority Life at (407) 823-2072. Or by e-mail at

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